
I'm Jay.

I’ve been interested in photography for about 9 years now. I first decided to take it up as a hobby after I’d split up with my partner, I’d just finished doing up my new home and was looking for a new personal interest. I’d been a keen scuba diver for a few years, but not really that keen on diving in the UK any more having been somewhat spoiled by diving in the fabulous waters of The Red Sea and The Maldives, so needed something else in addition. And so close, personal friend suggested that since I liked taking snaps of fish on my underwater compact camera, then I may well enjoy photography.At first I was a little sceptical, but decided to give it a shot (pun intended) and in the summer of 2013, I did a bit of research then bought a cheap Fuji S2980 bridge camera. And on 5th August 2015 I headed out in to the Cotswolds to have a play around…

This was the very first photograph I took as a hobby. It’s the Plough Inn at Ford in Gloucestershire.

From grass-roots


I thoroughly enjoyed just being out on my own, absorbed in taking photographs, a feeling of relaxation and calmness I still feel now when I’m out with my camera. I messed about with the built in zoom and tried playing about with Depth Of Field and ISO which I’d read a bit about during my research. I went all around the Cotswolds, stopping to take pictures of things that caught my eye like thistles, wheat fields and cows leaning over gates, eventually ending up at Birdlip taking pictures of the sunset and bee’s and Moths in the dark! I finally got home at about 11:30 at night.

When I looked, about 95% of my images were crap (which is still pretty much the ratio to this day in fairness) but was totally hooked on photography from then on.

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Creating delightful imagery

for fun.

Over the years since that jaunt out in the Cotswolds in 2013 I've tried out a whole bunch of different photographic genres and techniques. Some I'm fairly good at, others downright awefull, but while I don't think I yet have a distinct style or genre in which I really specialise, the things I enjoy most are producing creative and artistic images of either people or the land/sea/cityscapes around me.

If you'd like to colaborate, then get in touch!

The Process

01. Connect

If you have a creative idea that you'd like to colaborate on, then please do get in touch and let me know so we can see what we can produce together.

Share your story

02. Conceptualise

We can then brainstorm a shoot to realise the vision, come up with a mood board, figure out locations and work on costumes & props.

Develop The Vision

03. Create

We can then combine our skills and talents to preduce some great work together.

Bring it to life
Follow my Adventures